Project result
Project management
Development of a Baseline Study Exploitation Pack for international learning environment
development of a Capacity Building Programme for International Teachers
Design and deployment of a Toolkit for Excellence in the Field of international learning
Dissemination and Exploitation Activities
Project management
Development af a Baseline Study Exploitation Pack for international learning environment
Development of a Capacity Building Programme for International Teachers
Design and Deployment of a Toolkit for Excellence in the Field of international learning
Dissemination and Exploitation Activities
WP1 : Project management
The first result that the project aims to achieve is to improve the understanding of international learning environments through the conduct of documentary research. These researches are conducted in a diverse mix of 14 such environments that will be identified, studied, analysed and compared critically, in order to identify their common aspects, as well as their differences and unique characteristics.
Below are the results achivied
by the Modes project
WP2 : Development of a Baseline Study Exploitation Pack for international learning environment
Modes’ project provides with an extensive baseline Study Exploitation Pack. The main objective of WP2 is to set the ground for the development of an inclusive international learning environment for the foreign students in the host institutions. To achieve this, it is necessary to analyse the needs of both European higher education institutions and students, as well as the challenges faced by higher education institution staff, including professors. Best practices in international learning on a global scale are to be studied. The final objective is to create a detailed methodological guide that will increase innovative approaches in international teaching, such as the buddy system, the flexible grouping, the needs assessment methods and PBL (project-based learning).
Below are the results achieved by the Modes project.
A1 : Conduction of evidence-based analysis on international teaching environments in European and non-European HEIs
Desk research
Here to Download
A2.1 : Conduction of field research with professors/tutors teaching international students
Focus Group result
Here to Download
A2.2 : Conduction of field research with international students
Here to Download
A3 : Development of a Baseline Study ExpolitationPack
Here to Download
WP3 : Development of a Capacity Building Programme for International Teachers
Modes’ project wants to incorporate novel teaching approaches in the educational delivery and assessment of foreign students via the delivery of courses based on an effective, innovative international teaching framework. Teachers will also gain the necessary skills and competences to accommodate a wide range of students, adapting their teaching to the unique needs and background of their class.
- Below are the results achieved by the Modes project.
Coming soon
WP4 : Design and Deployment of a Toolkit for Excellence in the Field of international learning
The project aims to develop and deliver a Toolkit to ensure excellence in international learning. The toolkit will be designed to be adaptable to numerous educational contexts, sharing guidelines to facilitate its use.
- Below are the results achieved by the Modes project.
Coming soon
WP5 : Dissemination and Exploitation Activities
The dissemination actions will aim to disseminate good practices and the diffusion of inclusiveness in higher education in Europe. Ensuring a structured dissemination strategy is useful to ensure a high impact of the project results. Furthermore, it is useful for:
- Raise awareness of MODES results
- Achieve further sustainability of MODES
- Encourage many higher education institutions to adopt the results of MODES
- Below are the results achieved by the Modes project.